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Région Occitanie


What to do ?

When to go?

The ideal period to visit this region is to go there between May and September, during which time the climate is very favorable to walks and take a fresh breath. On the other hand, from October, the weather can be rainy and the temperature decrease.

Rich in a great diversity of landscapes and a remarkable architectural heritage, Occitania conceals innumerable wonders, whether natural, architectural, traditional or gastronomic. Not only has a good sunshine, but also a privileged location in the heart of southwestern France, Occitania offers its visitors an infinite variety of discoveries.The long sandy beaches of the Mediterranean, so much appreciated by the idlers of idleness, really have enough to enchant the lovers of nature and outdoor activities!

The Canal du Midi


A world heritage site, the Canal du Midi connects the Midi-Pyrenees and the Languedoc-Roussillon on no less than 240 kilometers. Unique way to discover all the different landscapes taking shape over the water.


Le Train Jaune 


A symbol of the Catalan country, it connects Villefranche-de-Conflent to Latour-de-Carol on a course of 63km and climbs 1200m of uneven up to Bolquère station, the highest in France at 1593m. We embark during 63km through the Pyrenees serving 22 stations. During the summer, this super journey is possible in an outdoor car.



A multitude of clues surround you, but what do they mean ? Will you discover the mysteries behind them ? And above all, will you be able to escape before the end of the time ?

The inevitable

The Dargilan cave

Where to eat ?

Come taste a gourmet, healthy and natural cooking, without added sugars, and low in carbohydrates. The atmosphere is convivial and reminds a tea room, ideal to spend a good time sharing

This restaurant offers a four-handed cuisine that also favors quality products (high-end and organic products) and natural flavors but also stain to satisfy all your senses as eating is an experience of all senses.

La Baraquette is a restaurant, thought as a place of feeling. Market cuisine, simplicity, all in a soothing and friendly environment !

Where to sleep ?

Come and relax in these "water drops", in a rural and bucolic setting, under the protective eye of the moon ... From the light extinguished, magic operates ... You will experience a unique and exotic experience of which only the heavenly vault can testify ...

Discover an extraordinary nest of love: a Perched Dome 5 meters high! Nestled in a wood amongst trees, you will realize a childhood dream ...

Come and enjoy an idyllic setting while sleeping in this superb cabin, perched at 6 meters in the countryside, at the gates of Périgord, with a bonus, the view on the island of Peneleau.

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